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Playas del Coco is one of the oldest beach communities in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. This region is also one of the fastest growing areas of tourism in Costa Rica. It has long been a popular destination with both local Costa Ricans as well as visitors from other countries during the traditional holiday seasons. Local Costa Ricans refer to Playas del Coco affectionately as "El Coco", while travellers from outside of Costa Rica use the name "Coco Beach", when mentioning this attractive locale.
Playas del Coco is located approximately 20 miles (32 kilometres) from the town of Liberia, Costa Rica. Liberia, the largest town in the province of Guanacaste, is connected to major historical events. While Costa Ricans have always appreciated this area as a vacation destination, the town experienced rapid growth due to the increasing number of international visitors and foreign born residents, who started arriving in the 1990s. Due to the fact that Playas del Coco is one of the few beach areas in Guanacaste with a rapidly expanding infrastructure, it has become a hub for tourism and business. Other adjacently located beach areas continue to grow as tourism related activities and the local population base expand.